Birth Arts International prepared me to teach comprehensive childbirth education courses which include informed decision making, the birth process, the postpartum period, breastfeeding, and so much more.
Learn More12/1/2013I created my business, and began attending hospital and homebirths as a doula, trained through mentorship and self-learning. I also created and began teaching my childbirth education courses, "The Birth Workshop".
Learn More1/1/2014I attended a 16 hour live online training for holding space for families through pregnancy and infant loss thought by Amy Glenn Wright at the Institute for Birth Breath and Death.
1/8/2016Facilitated at The Farm in Summertown, TN., this course prepared me to competently assist midwives during out-of-hospital births.
2/10/2016I began assisting midwives at births, and logging them with the North American Registry of Midwives to count towards clinical practicum.
Learn More3/1/2016I began my BSM program, completed in July 2022.
Learn More1/1/2018Facilitated by Robin Lim, CNN Hero of the Year. Lessons learned from the epicenters of disasters, including hands-on skills, low-resource solutions, disaster birth tool kits, "birth in tents" case studes, and PTSD.
8/2/2018In-person, intensive conference and series of on-campus classes, including suturing, intrapartum heart monitoring, immediate newborn and postpartum skills, OB Pharmacology, and catheterization.
4/22/2019Theory and precepted clinical practice of phlebotomy.
8/5/2019High-volume precepted clinical practice and additional online educational series on limited OB ultrasonography, transvaginal and abdominal. 150+ ultrasounds performed to date.
3/5/2020Spinning Babies, online course
7/8/2020Clinical placements in Oregon, Utah, and Pennsylvania. Over 1500 clinical hours in antenatal and postpartum care, L&D, and well-person care.
10/1/2020Breech Without Borders vaginal breech birth workshop to "reteach the breech". Breech research and clinical skills.
8/1/2021Evidence-based training in providing preconception care and insemination services applied through a lens of queer/trans relevancy and body positivity.
Learn More10/1/2021I passed the NARM exam to earn a Certified Professional Midwife credential.